Contact Ny Livs Energi

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 Vibeke Kunkel

Reg. Alternative Therapist

Torvegade 1, 3. sal

5000 Odense C

Phone: 22 77 63 53


CVR 36507209

Consultation only with appointment.

Opening hours

Monday + Thursday: 13-18.30

Tuesday + Wednesday: 9-16

Friday: 9-15


Appointment: 22 77 63 53

You can also send an sms or e-mail and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

You can also book an appointment online:​ Book now

Download my APP here and book your next appointment even faster next time.


Clinic adress

Torvegade 1, 3. sal

5000 Odense C​

Ny Livs Energi IVS

(New Life Energy)​

Vibeke Kunkel

Registered Alternative therapist

Cranio-Sacral therapist, Healer

and Colon Therapist

CVR. 36507209

​Opening hours

Monday + Thursday kl. 13-18.30

​Tuesday + Wednesday kl. 9-16

Friday kl. 9-15

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